Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Loving Hand!

I have stated on more than one occasion that I do not preach from a platform of perfection. Therefore my admonishments and exhortations are never brought forth with the purpose of condemnation. When I wrote The Invisible Father I wrote it from a place of passion, not anger. There are a lot of statements that are direct; they may even seem accusatory; however not one of them is written with one iota of condemnation. The call I have sent forth to men is not based on blame, but truth.

I understand that there are many of you that yearn to be a good father, but you have not been afforded a wealth of role models after which you could pattern your life. You have grasped at the straws of possibility only to actualize shadows of your full potential. When you glance into the mirror, the reflection you see is of inadequacy and failure. You have been convinced by the enemy that you are all you will ever be. You are fatigued by the incessant turmoil that has become the story of your life. I would like to say, “I understand.”

I’m not implying that being a great Christian man is a simple and easy accomplishment. On the contrary, living out your destiny as a husband, father, leader and minister of the faith is a tall order to say the least. Yet, God has not left you to figure this out on your own. He has promised that he will never leave no forsake you (Josh. 1:5). He has promised that His design and plan for you would produce greatness as prosperity when applied and accompanied by faith and perseverance.

The world has written you off. You have been ostracized by those of the faith and ridiculed by those of the world. Around every turn there is someone to validate your fallibilities and amplify your failures. You have been emasculated in many ways by the women in your life. You have been systematically taught to be counterproductive. You are the downcast; you are forgotten, you are the ridiculed, but listen to what God has said about you:

  26For [simply] consider your own call, brethren; not many [of you were considered to be] wise according to human estimates and standards, not many influential and powerful, not many of high and noble birth.
    27[No] for God selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is foolish to put the wise to shame, and what the world calls weak to put the strong to shame.
    28And God also selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is lowborn and insignificant and branded and treated with contempt, even the things that are nothing, that He might depose and bring to nothing the things that are,
    29So that no mortal man should [have pretense for glorying and] boast in the presence of God. (1 Cor. 1:26-29 AMP)

You are the ones God will use to ignite the next great revival. He wants to take you with all your fallibilities and inadequacies and elevate you. He wants to fill you with His Spirit so that you may walk in your anointed purpose. No matter what you have done. No matter how far off course you have strayed. God wants to use you. He is simply asking that you surrender your life to him. He is asking that you trust him to blot out every blemish. Remember, it is because of your defalcation concerning your sins that Christ came to bear those sins, so give them to God.

There is an awesome husband on the inside of you; you were designed that way. There is a loving and exceptional father living on the inside of you; you were designed that way. There is powerful leader deep within your spiritual DNA; you were designed that way. The enemy has convinced you to walk contrary to your design. Maybe you did not have a father. Maybe your father was not a good role model. Whatever the case may be, God has made a way for you to be all that your were created to be. You were not designed for mediocrity. You were not designed for colorless dreams and dwarfed goals. You were not designed to live in the cul-de-sac of complacency. Your genetic makeup is not calibrated for passivity and incapability. No, you were designed for greatness. You were built for the battles you are facing.

No, I don’t project condemnation toward you. I extend a hand of love and acceptance. We must work together to become all that God has designed us to be. We must take ownership of our mess, but we cannot afford to wallow in it. You may have made many mistakes and I am sure that there are those that would love to use your mistakes to hold you emotionally captive. Please know that you are not required to mortgage your future to pay for your past, Christ has already covered the debt. Let those that are unable to let go of the past deal with their own inadequacies and emotional issues. Do what you can to mend the broken pieces and then place it in the hands of the Lord. The Invisible Father is not an assault on men, but a calling to task and a offering of support.

I cover you with the prayer that God will come into your immediate situation and make His presence immediately felt. I pray that as you surrender he will pour out his favor upon you and your loved ones. I pray that every severed relationship between a father and his child be mended. I pray that the mothers that may be holding on to old baggage will allow the love of God to open their hearts and remove the bitterness and resentment that has fostered the  wedge between father and child. I pray peace into every situation. Amen.
I invite every man that reads this to contact me directly for prayer and the seeking of God’s guidance. If there are any that know of resources available to men who are willing to make a change please come forth. 
To each of you I wish you a blessed coming year.

Bishop Rick Wallace
Author of The Invisible Father: 
Reversing the Curse of Fatherless Generation


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