Men: I am often asked the question: If you can change anything about you life, what would it be. The common answer would be "I would not change a thing."...However, the truth be told, if I could change one thing, it would be this:

So men I am calling each of you to step up and live out your design as husbands, leaders, coverings, providers, protectors and the ultimate reflection of Christ."
Women: "To my Christian sisters, on behalf of every man who has hurt you, every man who has left you with the responsibility of raising your child alone; to every woman who has had a man decimate their dreams; to every woman who’s scarred emotionally, physically, or spiritually, I personally apologize. You too, have been scarred, disappointed, disenchanted, and in many ways cheated. You have been deterred from fulfilling your own destiny, but the time has come to rise up and become all that God designed you to be." (Dr. Rick Wallace, The Invisible Father: Reversing the Curse of a Fatherless Generation, Odyssey Media Group, 2011)
Ladies it is time for you to understand your self-worth; to determine what you will and will not accept and to walk in your design. Whether you realize it or not you are the strength of a man. Your words of affirmation confirms his manhood and directs his energy and focus. [A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek him first in order to find her]. Allow God to place a man in your life that will honor you and together you will fulfill God's design for your life.
God bless
Dr. Rick Wallace
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