Thursday, November 15, 2012

Time to Rise!

Okay men, I have spent a great deal of time speaking to the women about raising their standards and understanding their worth.  This morning I want to speak with you about reclaiming your God ordained roles as husbands, fathers, spiritual leaders, community leaders and more. The last three generations have witnessed men abdicate there roles as kings to live as paupers. We have bought into the lie that it is all about us. The world view of secular humanism has convinced us that we are the final authority on what is acceptable.

In our narcissism, we have found it acceptable to dishonor our wives. Languishing the in the dark hole of egocentricity, we have found it to be an acceptable course of action to procreate and then abandon our progeny. We have abandoned our post in lieu of pursuing our selfish desires. We have left our women struggling to fill the void that we left behind.

We have devalued our women by dishonoring their bodies and ravaging their hearts. We have preyed on their vulnerability. We have raped their hearts, destroying their innocence and decimating their trust. We have failed to honor our greatest treasure and our most prominent blessing.

It is time to rise up. It is time to rise up and live in our purpose. It is time to rise up and set the example. It is time to rise up and face our destiny. It is time to rise up and live up to the standard of our design. It is time to rise up and measure ourselves by the word of God. It is time to rise up and help our women understand their worth. Yes, it is time.

We have squandered our gifts for far too long. God is calling and He is asking, "Who is rise up and go?" He I am Lord, send me, I'll go.! I will go where many have refused to go. I will go into the realm of unselfish altruism. I will go into the inner-city streets and touch the lives of the less fortunate. I will go and take a wife to love with a love that reflects you in every way. I will go live as a father growing in efficiency and effectiveness as my children grow.

I will no longer live for self, but my goal is to serve.

Who is willing to stand up with me. Please be advised that this journey does not stop at the borders and boundaries of Facebook. It calls for us to rise up and go into the streets It calls for us to have an impact in the home. It calls for us to live out the true calling of the Church.

John Wesley, the man known as the great revivalist and the father of the Methodist Church on the foundation of one promise: "Give me 100 men that fear nothing but God, and hate nothing but sin, and we will change the world.", ignited a movement. It sounded like a lofty declaration, I'm sure, but Wesley did just what he had promised. He understood the inherent power of a committed man.

This is why I founded 100 Men of Purpose in 2008 as an official arm of Rick Wallace Ministries. It is time for we men to stand up. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

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