Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Measure of a Man

The Measure of a Man - Intro: A Call to Christian Manhood

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A Call to Christian Manhood
Paul’s words, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and written to Timothy and Titus, are now, more than anytime in recent history, a clarion call to all Christian men. We are at a crossroad in our nation and as a church in America. A crossroad that will take us further down the path of mediocrity, complacency and compromise or the path of righteousness, biblical truth, and steadfast faith. Much of the American church is choosing the easier path and much will be lost because of it. It is time for men of God to take their place in Christ’s church and be the men He has called us to be.
In Timothy 3 & Titus 1, Paul lists the attributes that a man of God should possess. Both lists are very similar. Paul’s intent was to describe what a mature Christian man should look like to fulfill a position as a leader in the early church. This in no way lessens the call to every man to strive for these same qualities whether or not they are currently called to church leadership. It is what Dr. Gene Getz calls a “profile of maturity”. A profile that beckons all men to attain the stature of the fullness of Christ. Dr. Getz expounds on this profile in the classic book “The Measure of a Man” and the DVD series of the same title. He says “it is these qualities that make us not only productive leaders in the church but godly husbands, effective fathers, Christ-like businessmen, dynamic witnesses in our neighborhood, and most importantly, these qualities reflect the “maximum man”, Jesus Christ himself. He is the one all of us together, and individually, should have as our overall goal”. 
Men, God cares about your relationship with Him. Your church, your community, and your country are crying out for men of God to step up. Are you ready to raise the bar in your spiritual life? Do you “measure up” to God’s standard? To help you in the journey in the coming weeks we’ll be expounding on the attributes of maturity outlined by Dr. Getz.
Watch the video to see an introduction to the “Measure of a Man” DVD series and more information can be found at


This is the moment when every Christian man must take an inventory of his life. He must be willing to examine the details of his life, the attributes he possesses and the virtues that guide him. There must be an introspective examination that uncovers the deepest truth about who he is. There has never been a time in which men were needed in their fullness as they are needed today. This nation is spiraling in moral decline. More than 40 percent of all children are being born into single parent households. These numbers are even worse in the black communities where the numbers exceed 70 percent. 

The time is now...will you rise up and meet your destiny? I invite every Christian man to join the movement in which Christian men will rise up and walk in their design and purpose. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

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