Some time ago, men in large numbers decided that they would abdicate their God-ordained roles in lieu of personal fulfillment and abstract quests that served to validate our egocentric passions. When we did this, we left our women to fend for themselves -- assuming a role that they were not designed to fill. This cripple our children because it robbed them of vital elements necessary for complete development and preparation.
It is now time to resume those roles that we vacated. It time to stand up and lead. It is time to provide the covering that our families are yearning. This short list of 11 steps that will help you in leading your family will provide a solid foundation for you to begin to move forward. This is where we stand up and step out. This is where we begin to restore hope. This is where begin to teach our women to smile again. This is where we reengage our children. This is where we redefine manhood. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace Ph.D
11 Practical Ways for Men to Lead a Family
As men, we bear a greater burden before God for the well-being of our families and our church. Our wives and children should flourish under our loving leadership.
By the grace of God, you can be who God has called you to be, do what God has called you to do, and love as God has loved you.
As men, we will never in this life experience perfection, but by the grace of God we can experience progress every day until we enter perfection in the life to come. So don’t sulk, don’t sin, and don’t settle, but instead strive.
Here are 11 practical tips for husbands to strive to lead their family well:
1. As the family leader, model humility, honesty, repentance, service, study, and worship. Your life preaches at least as loudly as your words, so teach and model humble godliness by the grace of God.
2. Make sure everyone in your family has a good, age-appropriate Bible that they regularly read. Read the Bible yourself and with them so they are encouraged to read on their own.
3. Make sure you have some basic Bible study tools available for your family in either print or digital form and that everyone learns to use them. If you do not know where to begin, ask your pastor or a godly student of Scripture in your church about things like a good Bible commentary, concordance, dictionary, and atlas.
4. Buy good Christian books for everyone in your family to read. Include Christian biographies among those books.
5. Choose good books that you and your wife can be reading together, including books of the Bible, and discuss what you are learning.
6. If there are Bible-based classes offered in your church, attend with your family.
7. Redeem your commute by listening to good sermons and classes, many of which you can download for free.
8. Have dinner together with your family most nights, and use that time to pray together, keep a journal log of prayer requests for other people, and read a portion of the Bible and talk about it together.
9. Pray for each member of your family every day and let them know you are praying for them.
10. Place a hand on the head of each of your children every day and pray over them. Then kiss them on the head and make sure they often get a loving hug.
11. While either snuggling or holding hands, pray with and for your wife every day and remember to include the reasons you are thankful to God for her that day. If these things have not been common in your home, it is very likely that your family has been aching for them and will be thankful for your loving leadership as the head of your home.
by Pastor Mark Driscoll
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